
They never went away you know

Trying to wade through umpteen documents which I have received.  Perhaps not a startling admission but one which shows why this is rearing its head over and over again and will continue to do so until we ban this industry and indeed ban all petroleum licensing onshore in Northern Ireland.

The following is a slide from Tamboran's application for the new licence.  It shows they never went away.

The 'behind the scenes' communications we are used to.  Remember the only public meeting Tamboran ever held in Northern Ireland to inform the public was in the Westville in 2011.  There Tamboran showed us a pressure washer that we use for cleaning cars and likened that to high volume hydraulic fracturing.  Lets be brutally honest,  the frackers tried to get permitted development rights to bore their stratigraphic hole in Belcoo precisely so they wouldn't have to explain to the public what they intended to do.  (Their current application stated they would also make use of permitted development rights but that train left the station when Nichola Mallon confirmed recently that those rights have been removed).

I love the way that they say 'both parties',  which is Tamboran and the Department. One wonders which tail is wagging which dog here.  

How about Tamboran keep an even lower profile,  as in frack off, we've had enough of your nonsense.  Next you'll be talking about the silent majority ...

Oh feck  too late. 

 You know the silent majority used to refer to people who had died before Nixon used it to describe those people who weren't demonstrating against the Vietnam war and civil rights abuses.  Trump has used it recently too. And now we see Tamboran using the phrase.  

The complete set of documents are available in two parts, here and here.  They date from 2017 to 2018 timeframe, around the time when the Department approved Tamboran's application.They are extensive and show how welded the Department and the Oil and Gas industry are to each other.